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The L.N. Sahu Mahavidyalaya, Jagatpur persistently tries to build a learning culture, responsive to the needs of the community at large through value based education.

College Library
The college library is a centrally located one having reading room & book facilities, containing a good number of books arranged subject-wise in sections and sub-sections. The members of staff, students of the College and any other person specially permitted by the Principal may use the Library. Besides this every honours department has its seminar Library.
1. The Library is open during the College hours.
2. The library remains closed on Sundays and authorized holidays.
3. The last period of every working day is set for office work of the Library and during that period no book is issued or returned.
1) There is a reading room for the students which is open from 9.30 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. on all working days. Members of the staff are provided a separate reading room inside library.
The library is well furnished and well equipped with total number of 8830books.,and 1357 Magaznies.
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